If you are operating a business online and haven’t yet considered throwing your hat into the social media ring, you are really missing out – Facebook and Twitter in particular have become extremely useful tools for helping brands and customers connect on a whole new level. While running a Facebook page or a Twitter account on behalf of your business, brand or range of services may seem daunting, it needn’t be – there’s a whole host of reasons why you should really throw yourself into it, and while some of the management and posting can take time out of your day, the long term benefits are huge. For professionals wanting to reach larger businesses, connecting on LinkedIn is ideal and we will be covering how and why to do this over the coming months.
Reach and Engage
In terms of marketing, you’ll be able to reach and engage with people who actively ‘like’ or ‘follow’ your brand – meaning that they will not only see any advertising or news you post, but they will also be able to pass your posts onto their friends and family to maximise engagement. Some say that social media is the new word of mouth – and the way people engage with companies and brands on Facebook and Twitter more or less allows your fans to do all the marketing legwork for you!
Appear Proactive
Beyond this, something as simple as a Twitter account can put your company across as a reliable, proactive source of knowledge and services – you can actively help customers in broad view of the rest of the internet public, and the more passion you put into delivering a great service via social media will impact upon how well you are perceived by your peers. Offering proactive, worthwhile support to those who need you – when they need you – is the name of the game – and with social media, you really have nothing to hide, as you can do it in full view of millions of potential new customers.
Social media is still revolutionising brand culture, marketing and customer engagement – and there has never been a better time to start getting involved!
Need some help and still convinced it’s just messing about and no business will come from it? Join us on our FREE marketing webinars and social media.